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Kit reports:In June 2009 Sally set a barbu record which will never be beaten, and will probably never be equalled.
With clubs trump, she won the first round of hearts with the 5 of hearts!
This might seem like it could happen when she is last to play in the suit, and nobody feels like putting up an honor.� But that wasn't the case.� She was second to play in the suit!!!
How did this happen?
Neil, on her left, was the dealer, and he had been doubled by Martin on her right.� Martin won the opening lead, and led the 4 of hearts.� Sally followed low with her 5 from some holding.� Since Neil was doubled with Martin he decided to save his high hearts so as to avoid giving Martin a heart trick, so he played low -- the 2.� And I had been dealt the singleton 3.
Sally says this makes up for some of the times when she has been forced to win the first round of hearts with the 5 when playing hearts.� We call this being fived.� That incident gave being fived a new meaning. Neil Trentham would like it to be known that doubling him at trumps is not a wise proposition:
Deal 6 Dealer S ������� 96 ������� AQT965 ������� 2 ������� T842 543������������ AK7 832������������ KJ74 854������������ A9 K653����������� AJ97 ������� QJT82 ������� - ������� KQJT763 ������� Q
Trumps Diamonds Pass Pass Double S Redouble E
�� S��� W��� N��� E �� dq�� d8�� d2�� da �� dj�� d5�� h5�� d9 �� dk�� d4�� h6�� c7 �� s8�� s3�� s6�� sk �� s2�� s4�� s9�� sa �� st�� s5�� c2�� s7 �� cq�� ck�� c4�� ca �� d6�� c3�� c8�� cj �� d3�� c5�� h9�� c9 �� sq�� c6�� ht�� h4 �� dt�� h2�� hq�� h7 �� sj�� h3�� ct�� hj �� d7�� h8�� ha�� hk
�� 95��� 0��� 0� -30
South: neilt West:� JoAnna North: gugu East:� zippo
The unluckiest handMartin Garvey
You know that your luck is out when you pick up:
QJT7 8542 87432 -
call No Hearts, and don�t get doubled by anyone.
Neil Trentham held the hand and called No Hearts.� The bidding went Pass, Pass, Double the flanks.
You cash QS and they follow 2, 8, 9. Not wishing to have this lovely collection spoiled by having the Ace of Hearts dumped on it, you exit with a diamond. Just have a look at what happened ���>>
Dealer S ������� 84 ������� AJ9 ������� J95 ������� KQT73 2�������������� AK9653 KT3������������ Q76 AK6������������ QT J98654��������� A2 ������� QJT7 ������� 8542 ������� 87432 ������� -
�� S��� W��� N��� E �� sq�� s2�� s8�� s9 �� d8�� dk�� d9�� dt �� d7�� da�� dj�� dq �� d2�� d6�� d5�� hq �� sj�� cj�� ck�� ca �� st�� hk�� s4�� s6 �� s7�� ht�� ha�� s5 �� d3�� h3�� hj�� h7 �� d4�� c9�� h9�� h6 �� h2�� c8�� cq�� sa �� h4�� c6�� ct�� sk �� h5�� c5�� c7�� s3 �� h8�� c4�� c3�� c2
� -28�� -4��� 0��� 2
The hand from hellUppino was west
Deal 1 Dealer E ������� T8764 ������� 865 ������� J9 ������� 754 AK5������������ 3 AK9������������ T72 AKQT����������� 875 AK2������������ QJT863 ������� QJ92 ������� QJ43 ������� 6432 ������� 9
Misere Double E Pass Max Redouble S and N
�� E��� S��� W��� N �� d5�� d2�� da�� dj �� s3�� s2�� s5�� s4 �� h7�� h4�� h9�� h8 �� ht�� hq�� ha�� h6 �� cq�� s9�� sa�� st �� cj�� sj�� sk�� s8 �� d8�� d6�� dk�� d9 �� h2�� hj�� hk�� h5 �� ct�� c9�� ca�� c7 �� c8�� sq�� ck�� c5 �� c3�� d4�� c2�� c4 �� d7�� d3�� dq�� s6 �� c6�� h3�� dt�� s7
�� 12��� 6� -34� -10
Regrets?East and West both owed doubles.� On the preceding deal of North (Luca)'s boat, West had declined to double trumps in clubs with AKJ95 Q64 K9 T63.� I wonder if she regretted that decision.
Deal 25 Dealer N ������� QT98 ������� T8 ������� Q4 ������� QJ983 J7642���������� 53 A65������������ KQ94 J982����������� AT A�������������� KT652 ������� AK ������� J732 ������� K7653 ������� 74
Dominoes from the Eight Double N Pass Double N Redouble E and W
�� N��� E��� S��� W �� c8������� c7�� d8 �� c9�� ct�� d7�� d9 �� cj�� c6�� d6���� �� s8�� c5�� d5�� s7 �� s9�� dt�� c4�� s6 �� c3�� c2������� dj �� st�� s5������� s4 �� h8�� h9�� h7�� h6 �� d4�� s3�� d3�� s2 �� dq������� dk�� d2 �� cq�� da������� sj �� sq�� ck�� sk�� ca �� ht������� sa�� h5 ������� h4�� h3���� ������������ h2���� ������������ hj���� ������� hq��������� ������� hk������� ha
� 225� -75�� 20 -105 ------------------------- � 107� -82� 219 -166
Anne sent in this deal of woe:South: Anne West:� neilt North: Cheryl East:� JoAnna
------------------------- Deal 1 Dealer W ������� JT86542 ������� QT ������� K7 ������� 63 A�������������� KQ973 KJ842���������� 93 64������������� AQT853 AKT85���������� - ������� - ������� A765 ������� J92 ������� QJ9742
Barbu Max Double S D W and RD E Redouble N and S
�� W��� N��� E��� S �� ca�� c6�� sq�� cj �� ck�� c3�� sk�� cq �� ct�� dk�� s9�� c9 �� c8�� d7�� h9�� c7 �� c5�� hq�� da�� c4 �� sa�� sj�� s7�� dj �� d6�� ht�� d5�� d9 �� d4�� st�� d3�� d2 �� h2�� s8�� h3�� ha �� hk�� s6�� s3�� c2
�� 40�� 20�� 40 -120 ------------------------- �� 40�� 20�� 40 -120 Look at the last trick!
Deal 19 Dealer W ������� A65 ������� Q9542 ������� KQ97 ������� J QJ3������������ KT92 J8������������� AK76 43������������� J8 Q87542��������� T96 ������� 874 ������� T3 ������� AT652 ������� AK3
No Last Two Max Pass Double W and E Redouble N and S
�� W��� N��� E��� S �� hj�� h9�� ha�� ht �� c8�� cj�� ct�� ca �� sj�� s6�� st�� s8 �� sq�� sa�� sk�� s7 �� d4�� dq�� dj�� da �� s3�� s5�� s9�� s4 �� h8�� hq�� hk�� h3 �� cq�� h4�� h7�� ck �� c7�� dk�� c9�� c3 �� d3�� d7�� d8�� d6 �� c5�� d9�� c6�� dt �� c4�� h5�� h6�� d5 �� c2�� h2�� s2�� d2
��� 0�� 30� -90�� 30 ------------------------- � -27� -82� -91� -29
South: shireen West:� annabella North: camma East:� therkel
David Muller from London, sends us this hand:
I was East, with not a great hand for Queens, you'll agree. I could easily have ended up with all four, however .....
I ducked the first Spade, I wanted to see if South had the King. He didn't. West cooperated and continued spades two more times. I took The Ace at trick 3. (South could have given me a Queen but threw the DA instead. I was now on lead knowing that North (who has Maximumed) now had the Bare King of Spades. So I led my SQ! It went SQ HQ CQ SK. Goal! North also collected the DQ at trick 13 so not a great Maximum!
Deal 7 Dealer W ������� K932 ������� T86 ������� K43 ������� 543 JT5������������ AQ84 A52������������ K73 9876����������� QJ5 Q86������������ KJ9 ������� 76 ������� QJ94 ������� AT2 ������� AT72
No Queens Max Pass Double W and E Pass
�� W��� N��� E��� S �� sj�� s9�� s8�� s6 �� st�� s3�� s4�� s7 �� s5�� s2�� sa�� da �� cq�� sk�� sq�� hq �� c8�� c5�� ck�� ct �� c6�� c4�� cj�� ca �� d9�� d3�� dj�� dt �� ha�� c3�� c9�� c7 �� h5�� ht�� hk�� hj �� h2�� h6�� h7�� h4 �� d8�� h8�� h3�� h9 �� d7�� d4�� d5�� d2 �� d6�� dk�� dq�� c2
�� 24� -96�� 24�� 24
Four NLT�s bid in a row, and all were passed out.� Neil Trentham asks �were they cowards?�
Deal 2 Dealer E ������� AKT7 ������� 983 ������� AKJ5 ������� K5 J84������������ Q96 KQJ76���������� AT2 Q8������������� T9763 942������������ A3 ������� 532 ������� 54 ������� 42 ������� QJT876
No Last Two Pass Pass Pass
�� E��� S��� W��� N
��� 0� -10� -10� -10 ------------------------- �� 30� -16� -52� -16
Deal 3 Dealer S ������� A63 ������� JT2 ������� T654 ������� Q42 JT������������� 7542 984������������ KQ65 KJ82����������� Q97 K763����������� AT ������� KQ98 ������� A73 ������� A3 ������� J985
No Last Two Pass Pass Pass
�� S��� W��� N��� E
��� 0� -10� -10� -10 ------------------------- � -16� -62� -26�� 20
Deal 4 Dealer W ������� A73 ������� K3 ������� QJ8 ������� KQJT4 952������������ KJ86 AT972���������� J54 42������������� K3 632������������ 9875 ������� QT4 ������� Q86 ������� AT9765 ������� A
No Last Two Pass Pass Pass
�� W��� N��� E��� S
��� 0� -10� -10� -10 ------------------------- � -62� -36�� 10� -26
Deal 5 Dealer N ������� A9432 ������� 42 ������� QJ ������� A982 T8765���������� J 85������������� AQJT73 A53������������ K62 743������������ KQJ ������� KQ ������� K96 ������� T9874 ������� T65
No Last Two Pass Pass Pass
�� N��� E��� S��� W
��� 0� -10� -10� -10 ------------------------- � -36��� 0� -36� -72 |
Laura tells us about this tale of woe:
Deal 8 Dealer W ������� 5 ������� 3 ������� QT7643 ������� AQJ42 AJ962���������� QT84 J974����������� AKQ J8������������� A52 K3������������� 875 ������� K73 ������� T8652 ������� K9 ������� T96
No Queens Max Pass Double W and E Pass
�� W��� N��� E��� S �� dj�� dt�� d5�� dk �� d8�� d7�� da�� d9 �� ck�� d6�� d2�� sk �� sa�� s5�� s8�� s7 �� hj�� h3�� ha�� ht �� c3�� ca�� c8�� ct �� h9�� c4�� c5�� c6 �� h7�� cj�� c7�� c9 �� h4�� c2�� hq�� h8 �� sj�� d3�� sq�� s3 �� s9�� cq�� hk�� h6 �� s6�� dq�� st�� h5
�� 24� -96�� 24�� 24
The Chamber of Horrors
Deal 27 Dealer W ������� K8 ������� 7 ������� AKJT9764 ������� A2 T54������������ J7 JT3������������ Q9854 8532����������� Q T53������������ J9764 ������� AQ9632 ������� AK62 ������� - ������� KQ8
Trumps Diamonds Double W Pass Pass Pass
�� W��� N��� E��� S �� hj�� h7�� h4�� ha �� c3�� ca�� c4�� c8 �� c5�� c2�� c6�� ck �� h3�� d4�� h5�� hk �� d2�� da�� dq�� h2 �� d3�� dk�� h8�� s3 �� d5�� dj�� c7�� s2 �� d8�� dt�� c9�� s6 �� ct�� d9�� cj�� h6 �� s4�� s8�� s7�� sa �� s5�� d6�� sj�� cq �� ht�� d7�� h9�� sq �� st�� sk�� hq�� s9
� -50� 100��� 0�� 15
South: Martin West:� Kit North: Sally East:� cubsfanmr
Martin Garvey sent in this deal:Playing against three tough opponents, Laura, as North, saw the auction: Max, Double N and E, ? holding J5/64/T9732/K742 Clearly one of them has lost the plot so you Max and hear a quiet Pass to finish proceedings. Spades break 7222, Eight rounds of the minors suits are played and you are thrown in with the four of hearts to play a fifth round of diamonds. Flailing arms, Italian expletives and an injured dog and cat could be heard in the background
Deal 10
E�� S�� W�� N
Laura Tidone sat North on this deal.She called �Barbu�, led the C4. To her horror she collected the HK.
Deal 27 Dealer N ������� KT86 ������� T9862 ������� A85 ������� 4 Q972����������� 5 -�������������� KQJ7543 6�������������� QJ942 AJT98763������� - ������� AJ43 ������� A ������� KT73 ������� KQ52
Barbu Max Pass Double N and S Pass
�� N��� E��� S��� W �� c4�� hk�� c2�� c3
� -60�� 20��� 0�� 20
Sportsmanlike Dumping?Andy Bowles
Some years ago, very early in the history of online Barbu, a combination of luck and careful selection of opponents had taken me to the top of the �Hall of Fame�, with a score of +380.� (In those days we thought scores in the 300s were pretty good.)
A few days after attaining this exalted position, I found myself in a game with Willie Whitaker.� Everything went his way, and as the game progressed his score came closer and closer to my top score.
As we started the final deal, Willie had +380, exactly the same as my leading score.� I was dealer and called no queens with K3 AKQT8432 J3 K.� Willie, on my left, passed.� Third seat, Nicholas, maxed, and Neil T in fourth doubled Willie.� My crown started to feel a little more secure.
I led DJ, Willie won the ace, Nicholas threw the ace of clubs, and Neil T followed.� Willie now cashed two more rounds of diamonds.� Annoyingly, Nicholas still couldn't find any queens, but threw the five of hearts and the ace of spades.� RHO had played 864 in diamonds, so presumably at least one more round of the suit would follow, regardless of who had the two.
What should I do?� It looked obvious to discard the king of clubs on this trick and the king of spades on the next, thus turning a rather dangerous hand into a completely safe one.� However, Willie might now exit safely.� If he took no queens at all, he would be +48 and would overtake me in the Hall of Fame.
Instead, I could discard HQ on Willie, get in with something and cash all my hearts, so as to make sure that neither of the other players would take a queen.� I would be -36, but Willie would be -18 and I would still be king of the castle.� Would this be right?� Would Willie let me live afterwards?� Would Jeff Rubens write an editorial about it?
In the end I just couldn�t bring myself to take three doubled queens voluntarily, so I discarded my black kings.� You'll see from the play record below that by the end of the hand we had a new leader.� What should I have done?
Deal 28 Dealer S
������� AJT9865 ������� 5 ������� - ������� AJ987 2�������������� Q74 J6������������� 97 AKQT975�������� 8642 432������������ QT65 ������� K3 ������� AKQT8432 ������� J3 ������� K
No Queens Pass Max Double W Pass
�� S��� W��� N��� E �� dj�� dk�� ca�� d8 �� d3�� dt�� h5�� d6 �� ck�� d9�� sa�� d2 �� sk�� d7�� cj�� d4 �� ha�� hj�� c9�� h9 �� s3�� s2�� sj�� s7 �� hq�� dq�� s9�� s4 �� hk�� c4�� c8�� c6 �� ht�� h6�� s5�� sq �� h4�� da�� st�� h7 �� h8�� c2�� c7�� c5 �� h3�� d5�� s6�� cq
�� 18�� 24� -66��� 0 ------------------------- �-102� 404 -114 -188 |